Microsoft Object Thinking by David West

Microsoft Object Thinking

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Microsoft Object Thinking David West ebook
Format: chm
Publisher: Microsoft Press
Page: 368
ISBN: 0735619654, 9780735619654

For instance, PowerShell makes scripting WMI much easier, Microsoft's thinking is that the point has arrived where complex products like Exchange and Windows Server have so many menus and sub-menus to configure via a GUI, that we need an alternative. It makes for a good story, but it's clearly wrong. Apr 25, 2013 - Metaphor shapes our thinking in many ways. Oct 10, 2010 - All you need is this one-liner: Get-Process | group-Object company; PowerShell will achieve the same results as VBScript, but with fewer commands. This metaphor is important to object thinking. Dec 2, 2005 - I've recommended David West's Object Thinking book to many people. If our system is like an X, this component is like a Y. I really like the book a lot, and think that his underlying message has tremendous value. Well breathless headlines would have you believe that Satya Nadella singehandedly built a new Microsoft in his first three months. Jan 19, 2008 - In an Object Thinking world however, you would have a single Customer class but some Customers would return a Description Object that had a Discount label in it and others would not. May 17, 2014 - The point we tried to impress on people is that changes in momentum of a massive object (and a 90,000 person company is quite large) takes a lot of small forces that over time sum up to a big force. I can wholeheartedly There were some earlier ones in the early 90s when I started learning OO that were a big help transitioning from C. Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Administration Inside Out: Real World Haskell in Japanese—実戦で学ぶ関数型言語プログラミング. Dec 16, 2011 - I haven't read all of it yet, but Object-Oriented Software Construction, by Bertrand Meyer, is probably one of the better guides out there about how to think of the world in terms of objects with well-defined responsibilities. However, Microsoft's recent How did this come about? Hence the easy-to-use scripting language called PowerShell. I recall one good one was the quick start guide to an early microsoft visual C++ compiler (probably v1.52!). This raises some questions: How does one Customer object get a Discount label in its Description Object?

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